Remembering Molly Brant
The 640 Heritage Preservation Foundation lost one of its most devoted supporters with the death of Molly (Mary Elizabeth) Brant on October 12, 2020.

As a Board Director for many years, Molly served the Foundation in several capacities including the production of its quarterly newsletter. In addition to having an eagle eye for proof-reading, she took particular care in choosing feature articles about the Foundation’s important activities and including special interest articles about individual donors and supporters. She was not only a faithful donor to the Foundation personally, but ardently encouraged others to support its mission to preserve and memorialize the history and architecture of women’s athletic clubs in San Francisco exemplified by the Woman’s Athletic Club (WAC) of San Francisco founded in 1915.
Molly’s professional background gave her particular skills that translated well to the preservation of the historic building at 640 Sutter Street in San Francisco, home to the first women’s athletic club west of Chicago. Her three-decade career with the United States General Services Administration included serving as Director of the Regional Facilities Planning staff where she was responsible for the construction of and improvements to federal buildings and courthouses throughout the western United States. Later, as president of the Metropolitan Club, successor to the WAC and current owner of 640 Sutter Street, Molly oversaw a major seismic and life safety upgrade to the landmark building from 2007-2009.
In addition to her many accomplishments, Molly will be best remembered by her friends and colleagues for her generosity, her attention to detail, her commitment to excellence, and her kind and gracious spirit.